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The unthinkable state of digital government strategy

The unthinkable state of digital government strategy

By WalkMe Team

Did you know that only 9% of government organizations have achieved digital maturity? 

Unbelievable, right? But it’s true, according to a Unit4’s global study, State of the Digital Nation, based on a survey of 600 public sector decision-makers across Australia, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, the UK and the USA. 

Watch our session at UK Digital Government 2022

Despite the best intentions to deliver on the digital transformation promise, it seems that the government sector is struggling to play catch up and E-government adoption is far from perfect. 

What does a digital government look like?

According to the survey, 29% of organizations claim they have completed their digital transformation strategy, but not without a few major barriers still in the way.

50% say it’s lack of alignment between different departments/functions, 49% state it was due to overly complex systems (49%), and 86% believe that people do not have the right skills or training to adapt to changes. 

That about says it all, doesn’t it?

The inevitable journey to digital government adoption

With software as a service (SaaS) now delivering extensive infrastructure over the cloud, we see governments and public sector businesses adopting complex software portfolios to meet their digital transformation needs, whether it’s employee productivity or citizen assets. 

And once implemented, getting the software adopted, well, that’s another challenge altogether. Often making that investment in the platform or software service hard to achieve.

We know that, sadly, in many cases it isn’t.

Getting your employees to use new software is very difficult and costly, particularly when real insights statistics tell us that the user adoption scores are lower than was originally designed for.

Digital adoption in government for better citizen engagement 

With the right digital government strategy, and a digital adoption platform to support it, you can take your organization to the next level and achieve digital maturity. 

Business process improvement, citizen or employee satisfaction, effective onboarding, and process effectiveness in any large organization can save you from overspending and return 1000s of productive hours back to the business.

And that’s really what we all want, isn’t it? To drive our software adoption to higher levels, beyond industry norms, fully leveraging the money spent to get the ultimate return on our digital solution investments. 

Watch our take on the digital experiences for the government sector and learn about WalkMe’s flywheel approach. See the full WalkMe session with John Tibble, Digital Adoption Advisor, and Lloyd Soldatt Senior Strategic Technical Advisor, at UK Digital Government 2022, including our Salesforce CRM application case study. 


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.