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This Salesforce Tool Saves Companies $104K a Year

This Salesforce Tool Saves Companies $104K a Year

By Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe

After Mobile World Congress, we had a lot of editing to do on our Salesforce reports. The influx of new leads from the conference meant our sales managers needed to fix, update, complete, review, and approve each account.

Getting the leads into Salesforce is great, but selling to those leads is even better and actually generates revenue. If we could spend less time inputting and maintaining leads in our system, that means our sales managers have more time to actually sell.

So how could we edit faster?

The Salesforce Tools That Saves Time and Money: SuperEdit

WalkMe released the second version of SuperTools to include SuperEdit earlier this year. SuperEdit allows Salesforce users to edit account information directly from the report view, rather than having to navigate into each account, edit, save, and return.

We developed SuperEdit because it is a feature that we wanted and knew our customers could appreciate too. It saves a lot of time and reduces clicks.

With the time we saved using SuperEdit, we were able to crunch a few numbers to calculate just how much of an impact this Salesforce tool is making.

Start saving money now with SuperEdit.

How Much Time Does SuperEdit Save Per Edit?

We timed how long it takes to make a single edit to a simple piece of account information without SuperEdit: 15 seconds.

Then using SuperEdit—eliminating the need to click into the account, make the edit, save and return to the report view—we timed changing the same account information directly on the report: 3 seconds.

Salesforce Report

If you only needed to edit one piece of information on a report, the time SuperEdit saves you for each account is 12 seconds. That’s a staggering 80% savings in time.

Pretty impressive right?

Time Saved on an Enterprise Level

So, without SuperEdit, if we spend an hour a week making edits to reports, we’re able to make 240 edits an hour. With the SuperTools extension, we can make those 240 edits in 12 minutes.

Now, because time equals money let’s give that 80% time savings a monetary value. According to the United States Department of Labor, the average sales manager made $54.74 an hour in 2015.

If just one hour of the week is spent editing Salesforce reports, that amounts to $2,846.48 a year. Multiplied by the 376,300 sales managers in the US, again from the DOL, that makes $1,071,130,424 spent editing reports.

If every sales manager in America used WalkMe SuperEdit to edit reports, that would save $856,904,339.20 a year.

Current SuperEdit Savings

In one week, SuperTools users (not including WalkMe employees) edited 10,993 items. Applying the same logic as before, we were able to calculate how much we saved current SuperTools users.

using salesforce

Let’s put this into perspective. Across the year, that is a savings of $104,295.03 for current SuperTools users.

Here’s the best part: WalkMe SuperTools are free for everyone. That means that this savings is available for the taking.

SuperTools is a free browser extension that anyone can download. I don’t know of any organization that likes wasting time, but I do know the world could use an extra $856 million dollars.

You can get SuperTools for your organization by heading over to the SuperTools site and clicking on the button “Get Started for Free”. It’s that simple.

Want to save more time in Salesforce? Try SuperSearch

The first release of SuperTools included SuperSearch. This enables Google-like search within Salesforce. This Salesforce tool is available in the same SuperTools browser extension as SuperEdit.

Save time and money on all your Salesforce activities with WalkMe’s help.


Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe
Dan Adika is the CEO and Co-Founder of WalkMe, the pioneer of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP). The DAP brings WalkMe’s vision to life: to transform the world’s online user experience into one that is effortless, efficient, and productive. Prior to co-founding WalkMe, Dan completed a 6-year service in an elite IDF Intelligence Unit.