Are You a Traditional or Transformational CIO?

As the CIO and leader of technology, your executive leadership turns to you as the best person to strategically connect technology and business and to navigate digital transformation towards success.

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Drive a Successful Digital Transformation

Lack of visibility is challenging your ability to scale the business and the success of your employees and customers. A strong digital adoption strategy is key to achieving your transformation goals.

Successful Digital
Successful Digital Transformation

Digital Adoption is the Key To A Successful Transformation

CIOs and CEOs worldwide agree on three main indices by which the success of a digital transformation will be measured:

  • Maximized organization-wide productivity
  • Optimized IT budgets
  • Improved digital employee experience

75% of CIOs are currently undergoing a digital transformation

Gartner’s 2019 CIO Agenda - Global Perspective
Global SaaS Sales Are at an All-Time High
Homegrown/Internal Software
On-Prem + Mainframe

Source: Battery Ventures; Forrester; Gartner; The Yankee Group;; Input Research

US Productivity in the Last Ten Years

Since 2011 productivity gains have slowed to a crawl

iPhone ®
100 million
Twitter ® users
1 billion
Index Points

Digital Transformation is Here

at least 44% of global IT budgets will be invested in business changes and innovations
(Deloitte, Global CIO Survey, 2018)

90% of executives believe that increased workforce productivity will be a major success metric
(World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs, 2018)

54% of all employees will require significant reskilling and upskilling by 2022
(World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs, 2018)

Only 14% of CIOs report sustained performance improvements from Digital Transformation
(McKinsey & Company, Global CIO Survey, 2019)
Transformations and business changes come with a huge promise - that of enhanced relationships with customers and employees. However, in reality, it carries a massive challenge. The challenge of adoption. That is the key to a successful digital transformation.
Business Outcome
Go Live
Benefits Realization
The Promise
The Reality
Valley of Despair
Expense Reporting

Overwhelmed Employee

With many transformations in place, employees are finding it hard to navigate and adopt the tools needed to complete their everyday tasks productively.
  • Decreased Employee Experience
  • IT Support
  • Low Productivity
  • Low Adoption

WalkMe's four Layer Approach to Adoption

Collect and analyze usage data, gain visibility into the user journey and find out where your users struggle, so that you can make data-driven decisions and champion transformational change.

Contextually drive users to action with in-app and cross-app, step-by-step guidance. Using strategically placed content delivered at the moment of need, users can successfully and accurately complete complex business processes.

Simplify the user experience by eliminating empty clicks and automating mundane tasks - within and across applications. Ensure accurate process completion as you increase user engagement and send productivity soaring.

All user activity flows into one dashboard for full adoption visibility.

2000 + Leading Enterprises Use WalkMe