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DAP Professional Spotlight: The Christus Health Team

DAP Professional Spotlight: The Christus Health Team

By WalkMe Team

Christus Health is a not-for-profit system made up of more than 600 health centers, including long-term care facilities, community hospitals, walk-in clinics, and health ministries. With a community of 45,000 strong and over 15,000 physicians providing individualized care, the team at Christus was searching for a way to provide training and guidance to each and every professional at the time of need.

After trying for 13 years to create better job aids, manuals, and classroom experiences, the leaders at Christus realized that their methods just weren’t achieving the results they had expected. Tobias Washington, their Head of Learning Experience Design, Digital Adoption, & Talent/Learning Technology, decided to implement WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform as the ultimate enablement solution. Washington said, “WalkMe has changed our learning landscape. In the past, we’ve always had to be more reactive in the way we approach learning. Now, we can actually roll out the learning as we roll out new software or updates.”

We had the opportunity to interview a few members of the team who worked behind the scenes to redesign the way in which Christus employees adopted their software and mastered their workflows. In this DAP Professional Spotlight of the Christus Health team, WalkMe Builders Jacob Wiese and Sandra Barcenas, as well as HR Technical Project Coordinator, Jessica Hubbard, share their paths to becoming DAP professionals and how they’ve been able to empower such a massive workforce in one of the most demanding industries.

1. How did you become DAP professionals, and what problems were in the company that led to the creation of the DAP professional role?

Jacob: I received my DAP certification at a previous employer while I was working as an instructional designer. When my contract ended, I was recommended to Christus by a manager at WalkMe where I joined their team as a dedicated DAP content creator. The great thing about WalkMe that I love is every project is a new puzzle to solve and to perfect.

Jessica: I was introduced to WalkMe by a previous employer as they were implementing a new HCM system and needed a way to guide the end-users through several new processes. Thankfully, I was able to bring my skillset to Christus and since my transition, I’ve been able to continue learning and applying WalkMe content in a different environment.

Sandra: My path with Walkme is very different from Jessica and Jacob’s. Coming from a web designer/web developer background I had never used Walkme before coming to Christus. WalkMe training was fantastic and wasn’t long before I was able to build content for our organization. WalkMe allows me to use my skills in designing and developing content for our organization in a much more streamlined fashion.

2. How is DAP used at your company?

Team: We have many Associates who need to know how to get a process done and how to do it now. We use WalkMe as an interactive and reactive support tool for our organization to gain access to multiple systems’ knowledge bases quicker and have guidance at the point of need. One of our larger projects consisted of moving several service applications to one, Infor, where we provided a smooth transition by developing Smart Walk-Thrus to supplement extensive training which cut costs and reduced individual time in the classroom. 

3. What have been the greatest successes in implementation and DAP usage at your company?

Team: By far our Launchers! We’ve placed these at the point of need in several different areas within multiple applications. From submitting time punches to manager approvals, the quick and easy access to this content has been a favorite amongst all of our Associates. Our HR menu, which consists of a group of launchers, allows Associates to access Smart Walk-Thrus that help manage their profile quicker and easier. We’ve had additional success with our Workstation notifications. It has helped us communicate important information to our Associates such as COVID announcements and cybersecurity notices.

4. What are your biggest challenges as DAP professionals?

Team: We have a few challenges as DAP professionals. One of them is finding time to accommodate all the requests from our organization as everyone is very excited to use WalkMe on their platform. Another is establishing ROI for the organization since we are not utilizing tickets as a reference of success; however, Insights provides data to assist with our analytical storytelling. We also experience challenges when creating content for new users without being cumbersome to our advanced Associates.

5. What excites you the most about being DAP professionals?

Team: Hands down, the ability to have an everyday impact on our Associates! We have the awesome opportunity to use WalkMe to assist in making the Associates’ job easier, which saves them time and frustration, especially when navigating changes recently implemented in our organization.

6. How would you describe being a DAP Professional in 3 words?

Team: Challenging. Fun. Rewarding.

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WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.