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WalkMe Workstation: The Solution for a WFH Workforce

WalkMe Workstation: The Solution for a WFH Workforce

By WalkMe Team

How is it possible that so much has changed in such a short amount of time?

In just two weeks, with the health precautions around the spreading Coronavirus, our company, along with millions of others, transitioned out of our offices around the world and became a WFH workforce. Our organization spans over eight countries and so we are used to working with counterparts in different locations. This reality, however, was the next level, even for us. 

Quick to innovate and find ways to keep our employees engaged and our leaders in-the-know, we utilized one of our very own features across our organization. WalkMe Workstation notifications popped up across our employees’ desktops around the world.

These desktop popups made a huge impact on our overall morale and sense of connection throughout this challenging period of social distancing. As companies are coming to terms with the new COVID19 reality, employee engagement and access to key information in the flow of work is more important than ever. Here’s how Workstation can help.

Businesses urgently need a WFH solution

The race to stay ahead of the digital transformation curve has long been underway. Companies that couldn’t adapt to the rapidly evolving digital advancements have either collapsed or are now trying to catch up with software investments and multiple organizational changes under extreme pressure.

The sudden Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused an unexpected catalyst for businesses to ensure that their digital investments are valuable for a WFH reality. Offices around the world are closed, and companies small and large are struggling to mobilize a WFH (work from home) workforce. 

For businesses that already have invested in their digital goals, this transition is challenging, but not nearly as dramatic as it is for those who didn’t prioritize digital adoption before the virus spread, forcing businesses to close facilities, and digitize their workforce entirely.

WalkMe Workstation is the solution for mobilizing and supporting a WFH (work from home) workforce, ensuring digital business continuity. 

Here’s the breakdown of Workstation and how it can catapult digital adoption agility:

  1. It offers a holistic digital employee experience
  2. It keeps employees engaged and informed
  3. It allows for training and onboarding within the flow of work
  4. It simplifies self-service support and reduces demand on IT
  5. It allows for visibility into software usage 

Workstation offers a holistic digital employee experience 

Never before has WalkMe’s offering of allowing employees to navigate and adopt any software platform, been quite as vital for business success and even survival. With the rollout of WalkMe Workstation, regardless of if companies are at the beginning or in more advanced stages of their digital transformations, they can expand their digital adoption strategies for business continuity.

WalkMe Workstation for Windows and MAC brings the WalkMe experience to employees’ desktops, keeping them engaged and informed – anytime, anywhere. 

Keep employees engaged & informed

For companies with employees working from home, maintaining engagement is extremely important for keeping the morale up and productivity high in this new and challenging work environment.

Workstation allows organizations to drive visibility to critical announcements and updates regardless of which application is currently being used. By leveraging WalkMe’s notification templates, businesses can quickly create and deploy messaging in the form of pop-ups that appear directly on employees’ desktops. The content of the notifications can be segmented and customized for relevance. 

Train and onboard within the flow of work

Companies must continue hiring, training and onboarding during and throughout the Coronavirus situation. That means that organizations need to be ready to onboard new hires, onboard new users to updated or newly purchased software, and seamlessly maintain business continuity, without having in-person training capabilities. 

Workstation provides in-app training so that employees can “walk through” processes and software capabilities in real-time. Working from home will not impede the process of learning, understanding, adopting and then enabling essential business tasks and processes.

Simplify self-service support and reduce demand on IT

Workstation allows organizations to create key business application resources in a centralized hub. This makes it easy for employees to find and access exactly what they need when they need it. So often employees are stuck in the middle of a task and open a ticket for IT support in order to complete it. The amount of time and then manpower that is wasted before simple tasks can be finalized can drain organizations, especially when employees are working from home.

This customized content hub is accessible by all employees in the organization, for streamlined information sharing across all departments. The unique search function means that employees don’t need to know which platform they need to use – they only need to know what task needs to be completed. From their desktop, they can access which app to use, and even automate the completion of the given task. 

Leverage visibility into software usage to boost employee productivity

WalkMeprovides unprecedented insights for business leaders to determine the ROI of all software investments, as well as the productivity of employees across the entire organization.

The Productivity Dashboard allows for an in-depth view into employee productivity. This provides understanding into why users succeed or fail across applications and business processes. For example, if one software application is underutilized consistently, the Productivity Dashboard will make that roadblock visible. With that information, it can be determined why and what can be done to solve the problem.

Empower employees and organization leaders

Software is expensive and should be monitored carefully to ensure that there is a positive ROI. Especially when employees are working remotely, the need for visibility into usage is greater than ever. By streamlining software spending by uncovering unused software licenses, duplicate systems, or underachieving platforms, leaders will be empowered by having more information and making smarter software decisions. 

WalkMe Workstation has never been more relevant. The need for an engaged and connected organization has never been greater. Your company can mobilize an efficient and streamlined WFH workforce, just like we have in the last few weeks. This situation is posing many challenges, but also providing opportunities.

To learn more about how to engage and enable your organization even while they WFH, get in touch with us.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.