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3 Priorities for the CIO to Drive Success

3 Priorities for the CIO to Drive Success

By WalkMe Team

As the CIO, you are in a unique position to spearhead strategic and imperative business initiatives, by leveraging technology. Digital transformation has been a pressing priority for many years, but due to COVID, organizations increasingly need their digital transformation efforts to be expedited and carefully prioritized. 

The success of your digital transformation strategies and implementation will depend on your prioritization of the many departments and business goals that demand your attention. WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) supports and enables CIO-specific priorities.

Let’s explore three of the top CIO priorities for driving success and how DAP supports them.

Gain visibility into your tech portfolio

Organizations with over 250 employees use at least 123 SaaS applications and the typical mid-large size company changes about 40% of their entire SaaS stack every two years. 

Your choice in software investments demands a positive ROI to validate that these choices are accelerating the business forward. It’s important to be able to understand and monitor the user journey to determine if they are essential to your organization, or if they are draining the IT budget.

According to the CIO Outlook 2021 Report which surveyed 100 Fortune 500 CIOs, in spite of COVID-19, budgets for the upcoming year will not be impacted. This means that CIOs have more leverage to utilize their full budgets and invest in the right software. Your priority is to have actionable data at your fingertips to enable your decisions.

The lack of visibility into the employee user journey poses a major challenge to your effective decision-making regarding company software. DAP provides executives with a clear and comprehensive view of the entire software stack. Insights, the all-in-one analytics solution of DAP gives you a holistic, full picture view, from a task’s beginning to end, across applications and even devices. 

Insight’s Management Dashboards, designed especially for executives:

  • Provide an overview of your tech portfolio and software usage 
  • Let you collect your end-users’ engagement with both your WalkMe solution and your underlying application or website
  • Let you view accurate re-creations of your end-users’ in-app session

With Management Dashboards, you can identify business-critical apps and your most commonly used software, so you can save unnecessary costs by identifying which systems are underutilized or where duplicate licenses exist. You can view user engagement with systems, track cross-org business processes, and quickly identify poor utilization of software to surface exactly where you can improve user adoption of business processes and applications to ensure your business realizes the full value of your software.  

Increase user adoption 

The CIO’s strategic position is built on the belief that you can build transformative digital strategies in order to ensure that the organization will keep pace with technological change and ultimately, drive revenue growth. This is dependent on the organization’s greatest asset: its employees. 

The employee experience continues to become more of a digital experience, especially as remote work becomes more normalized. Employee productivity should ideally be enabled and supported by company software, but as you know, in many cases the challenges of onboarding, training, and user adoption, actually deter employee productivity and damage the employee experience. Your priority is to increase user adoption of company software and realize a positive ROI. DAP enhances the digital employee experience and increases user adoption rates.

Workstation transforms your entire software deck into a single interface on their desktops and serves all employee needs. By connecting employees to all of their applications, their task completion is greatly simplified and expedited. The jumble of applications becomes one seamless, easy to use experience. From their Workstation widget, employees can access any app, search for anything across all applications, ask for help, and receive notifications.

Workstation provides employees across any department, using any application, with a self-service system and this is the key to faster and total user adoption. It ensures the ROI that you need and supports the productivity capabilities that drive revenue growth.

Reduce support tickets 

A key organizational challenge, especially for a remote workforce, is the demand for support on IT. Your priority is to reduce support tickets. A decrease in organizational productivity and the resources needed to sustain a large support team are a drain on the budget and organization. 

By equipping employees with self-support and enabling their ability to use it as much as possible, many potential support tickets can be solved by employees themselves. As we discussed above, DAP solutions like Workstation, provide employees with a single interface to achieve a seamless experience across all applications.  On a more technical level, DAP provides in-app guidance, business process automation across applications, and leverages a natural language interface to converse with employees directly through a chat-bot. With the self-support that DAP provides, support tickets go down dramatically.

Investing in WalkMe impacted Walgreens greatly in their support ticket reduction. With the rollout of WalkMe on HR and C&B platforms, they saw an average reduction of 50% in support tickets. Both successful digital adoption as well as realizing a positive ROI were achieved on these software applications, while also increasing the HR department’s productivity.

Defining success

CIO leadership demands your ability to prioritize, manage, and implement digital transformation initiatives for multiple stakeholders in your organization simultaneously. DAP provides one all-encompassing solution to help you solve multiple problems at once. By focusing on these three priorities and prioritizing user adoption, you’ll be equipped to drive success.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.