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Employee Training 101: The One-Stop-Shop for Training Managers

Employee Training 101: The One-Stop-Shop for Training Managers

By WalkMe Team

If you had to pick one thing that had the broadest impact on your company’s success, what would you choose?

For most companies, employee training and onboarding has the widest range of effects.

Think about it. Retention, engagement, and employee performance will suffer without effective workforce training. Each of these has a material effect on your bottom line.

Empower your workforce to succeed with proven employee training tools.

Training is not only essential for new employees during the onboarding process. It is also critical any time a company introduces a change, such as software implementations or updates, new workforce policies, and changes to workflow.

We know you’re busy, so we’ve categorized our 10 most popular employee training posts to help you find the insights you’re looking for.

Insights to guide successful new employee training and onboarding

new employee onboarding

1. 5 Tips to Reduce Turnover and Boost New Hire Onboarding

The same scenario happens too often: A promising new hire starts at a new company, but after just a few weeks on the job, they’re struggling to keep up. Their morale has plummeted, their performance is low, and their likelihood to churn is high. Managers can improve the new hire onboarding process and prevent early turnover with these 5 tips.

2. The Part We Didn’t Tell You in Your Job Interview

“Welcome to the company. Now ignore the professional expertise you have worked your entire career to acquire, and spend the next 9 months studying to be a software technician on our 173 platforms.” Would you ever say this to your new hires? No? Surprise, surprise, this may be what they hear. Let this article be your guide of what not to do.

How training affects employee performance and productivity

employee performance

3. How to Improve Employee Performance in 6 Steps

Everyone knows training is important. The difficult part is assessing the effectiveness of your current training plan and identifying how to improve it. If your employees are underperforming, it’s time to reevaluate. Here’s how to do it in 6 steps.

4. The Impact of Training on Employee Productivity

The effectiveness of employee onboarding is directly tied to productivity. In fact, the Society for Human Resources Management found that businesses lose an estimated $37 billion each year due to employees not understanding their roles. With a more comprehensive onboarding process, employees gain role clarification in addition to technical training to help them succeed and protect your bottom line.

Build an effective training model from the ground up

employee training manual

5. How to Design a Superior Employee Training Manual

What if we told you the core elements of effective training could be boiled down to 4 key areas? Regardless of the company or type of role, an employee training manual that includes these 4 aspects can enhance the learning process.

6. Design the Ideal Employee Training Plan With These 4 Simple Questions

Employees can’t excel if their companies don’t provide them with the right foundation for success. Guarantee your training process enables your workforce to reach their full potential with an employee training plan.

7. The Most Effective Workplace Learning Methods

According to the 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development, individuals gain 70% of knowledge from hands-on experience, 20% from informal experience, and 10% from formal education. With this framework in mind, it’s possible to design more effective employee training structures.

Solutions for better training, today and in the future

elearning tools

8. 7 Barriers to Organizational Learning

Many barriers stand in the way to organization-wide training. Employee resistance to change may be the most difficult to overcome, but lack of motivation, a short-term focus, and too much complexity also stand in the way. Discover which barriers to anticipate and how to overcome them.

9. The Evolution of Employee Training

The need for workforce training and development is not a novel concept. But the mechanics of training have evolved drastically over the last century. From classroom learning sessions to individual instruction to personalized digital tools, the effectiveness of training continues to progress.

10. 5 Signs Your Employee Software Training Needs a DAP

A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) instantly enhances employee learning and proficiency on any software. With contextual, on-screen prompts and real-time navigational cues, a DAP ensures employees can use your digital tools with ease. If you identify with any of these 5 points, your employees could benefit from a DAP.

Discover how a Digital Adoption Platform instantly boosts employee training effectiveness.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.