Be a Part of the Community

Picture this: it’s like attending a class and a party all in one -- It really is that fun! Whether you’re new to WalkMe or have years of experience under your belt, you will walk away feeling inspired and ready to use the new skills you learned at the event. This Community Meetup is for sales and sales enablement professionals -- Learn from others who are using WalkMe to increase rep productivity, better manage the sales cycle and increase visibility into the sales process.

The Perks

Level Up

Don’t just get inspired -- leave with the tools you need to bring your WalkMe implementation to the next level

Grow Your Network

Connect with other DAP Professionals and learn how they are finding success

Stay Informed

Get the inside scoop and be the first to know about the latest product updates and news from WalkMe

Meet the Experts

Stephen Grimes

Systems Training Specialist, Ideal Image

Rick Michlig

Strategic Services, WalkMe