Join Us!

Prior to 2020, the world was already embracing digital adoption excellence as a key driver of successful digital transformations. The disruption of 2020 and the new reality of WFH resulted in the dependency on a strong digital experience to sustain operational and financial health in all organizations. In 2021, it’s crucial to overcome the challenges of the new normal with digital adoption excellence. Join this Masterclass to understand the key components of your digital adoption business case, and the high level strategy to map your 2021 journey.

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Learn how to drive better business results right away with digital adoption excellence.


Get an exclusive glimpse into the new Digital Adoption Institute and the available certification programs.


Join for a chance to win tuition-free entry into a Digital Adoption Institute advanced certification program.

Meet the Experts

Heather Wurtz

Director of Customer Experience, Digital Solutions, Lease Accelerator

Dave Zinsman

Director of Education, WalkMe