Lead from Anywhere: CX + EX = ROI: Sprinklr’s Digital Adoption Story

The recipe for corporate success is defined by customer and employee satisfaction, but many organizations make the mistake to overfocus on one and neglect the other. But hyper growth technology company, Sprinklr, knows the key to growth is designing a CX & EX that are equally seamless and frustration free. Asha Aravindakshan, VP Operations and Customer Delight at Sprinklr, will share how to design a digital adoption strategy that will quickly make a measurable impact for customers and employees alike.
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Define the Problem, Achieve the Solution

Year over year, Sprinklr’s growth continues to be off the charts -- with its customer base 10X in the last decade and their employee base is growing by 60% year over year. To help achieve their organizational goals, Sprinklr invested in digital adoption in two major ways: first, across its customer experience as part of its SaaS offering; and second, as part of its employee experience across its employee tech stack. Asha Aravindakshan, VP Operations and Customer Delight at Sprinklr, spearheaded a digital adoption strategy that she clearly aligned to quantifiable business metrics, and in less than 3 months, is already delivering value back to her stakeholders. Asha will share her tips on how to:

  • Design an implementation strategy centered around business value
  • Partner with decentralized business units to align on goals and development a cross-functional commitment to strategy and execution
  • Create and calculate meaningful business impact in less than 90 days
Asha Aravindakshan
VP Operations and Customer Delight


Raluca Ragab
Managing Director

Vitruvian Partners