It’s Not Too Late: Create a Digital-First Culture that Prioritizes Adoption

Even before this unprecedented situation, employees were overwhelmed by disconnected apps and ever-changing processes. Now exacerbated by distance, companies are finding it nearly impossible to train or support people from home. But it’s not too late to change. Carlos Pullen-Ferreira, VP Business Operations at Sage, will share his insights on how to create a digital-first culture.
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Make Adoption Mission-Critical

Carlos Pullen-Ferreira, VP Business Operations at Sage, leads global transformation and works relentlessly to build an internal culture that thinks about becoming digital first. He believes that his team’s mission is to transform and optimize the way Sage’s employees think and work, so they can better focus on their customers. And he knows he can’t do it alone. By partnering with other stakeholders across the business, Carlos has successfully woven digital adoption into the learning strategy of the company to improve the employee experience and give them the tools they need to succeed. Carlos will share his tips on how to:

  • Engage other stakeholders to make digital adoption mission critical
  • Build a program to drive adoption that can move quickly, focus on value, and make an impact
  • Find and share quick wins to build trust and support - from stakeholders and employees alike
Debra Estrada
Global Vice President, Revenue Operations


Carlos Pullen-Ferreira
Vice President, Business Operations
