Platform Solutions


Gain visibility into how your sellers use Salesforce® so you can identify friction points, design and deploy solutions enhancing user experience, and automate workflows to drive revenue growth faster.

Industry solutions Industry solutions
business growth

Increase seller productivity.

Ramp reps quickly and keep them on top of changes, whether they’re at home or in the field.

hybrid work environments

Streamline process efficiency.

Leverage automation and data validation rules to ensure critical business processes are completed quickly and accurately.

user journeys

Gain visibility into user journeys.

Understand software usage, points of unintended friction, and opportunities to improve and scale.

Visualize the sales process from lead to close

WalkMe streamlines the Salesforce® experience from day one to closed won so your reps close more opportunities. Leverage actionable insights on user behavior to make informed, data-driven decisions. No more guessing or wishing.

Employee onboarding

WalkMe helped us to drive Salesforce Lightning adoption with minimal impact to productivity and fits in seamlessly as part of our digital transformation strategy.

Kim Clark

Senior Manager, Technology Learning Programs Robert Half Logo

WalkMe for Sales

Seamless in-app guidance and process automation enable your sales teams to work smarter, faster:

sales stack
Discover more about WalkMe for Salesforce.

5 Salesforce online training options for the remote workforce.

Salesforce online training comes in several shapes and sizes, but what is the best choice for remote workforce training?

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How do you maximize employee productivity?

Productivity is a major concern for every employer since it represents the ROI of those employees.

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WalkMe’s Salesforce integration

Create more personalized experiences for your customers with WalkMe’s incoming and outgoing integrations with Salesforce.

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