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How to drive adoption of your sales tech stack in 2022

How to drive adoption of your sales tech stack in 2022

By WalkMe Team

As any good salesperson knows, sales processes are not as straightforward as they once were in the good old days when we were selling products door-to-door.

Sales leaders today are continuously challenged to establish a technology stack that encompasses all of the right tools to enable their teams to build strong pipelines, help sell more efficiently, and accelerate deal closure.

Spend money to make money

Compared to even two years ago, the majority of companies are spending substantially more on technology. The sales CRM market, for example, is expected to reach $23.5 billion by 2025, and is listed in the top 10 fastest growing software categories. 

Yet as business demands, deadline pressures, and knowledge gaps continue to pile up, success is only as attainable as a sales rep’s ability to adopt these new technologies.

Remind me what we’re doing here…?

While managing business processes across the sales cycle, sales reps are preoccupied—keeping up with software changes rather than investing their time in prospecting, building pipeline, managing opportunities, creating quotes, and closing deals.

Any investment in product proficiency overlaps with time spent on the actual job your employees are paid to perform. 

Organizations are using an average of 14 different tools today just to manage the sales process, end to end. Navigating more than a baker’s dozen worth of tools is bound to decrease their effectiveness and reduce the overall productivity of any sales team. 

So how can you make sure your sales org is successful in 2022?

Digital adoption of your sales tech is the key to success

Overcoming knowledge gaps and user experience challenges requires a tool that can pick up the pace when employees are falling the path, whether the employee is aware of it or not; a tool that will meet sales reps exactly when and where they need it. 

To remain competitive, using software to streamline the sales cycle is no longer an optional extra—it’s a business strategy. 

“By 2025, 80% of organizations will use DAS across the sales stack to overcome insufficient application UXs.”

Gartner®, Predict 2021: New Selling Imperatives Drive CRM Sales Technology Roadmaps, Tad Travis, 3 December 2020.

As you prepare your 2022 sales pipeline, the proper adoption of your sales tech stack can make all the difference.

Register to our upcoming webinar to learn more about strategies for driving digital adoption and get the tools you need to make 2022 an amazing year for your sales team. 


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.