January 1, 2021 / 29:09 min

Harry Moseley shares the experience of coming out of retirement to lead Zoom’s IT just before the outbreak of the global pandemic. When human interaction went digital overnight, Zoom was there to bring us together. Listen to Harry’s candid view into Zoom’s culture, his vision, and plans for the future.

Top Takeaways

  • 1COVID catapulted Zoom to the top fast because they weren’t afraid to run with change. Everything from school to sales to surgery now takes place on Zoom. Harry says that the experience has been humbling. Being a part of something so massive during the world’s upheaval has only highlighted the potential of technology to make our world better. Utilize the changes and unexpected twists in life as opportunities. On both a personal and business level.
  • 2Clarify goals in order to deliver a valuable experience. Harry and his team at Zoom work hard to fulfill these 5 goals for their customers: Ease of use - Keep it to one click, or as close to one-click as possible. Reliability - Users should be able to depend on your product to work and be there for them. Innovation - Remember life before virtual backgrounds? Neither do we. Zoom keeps innovating and offering new choices and integrations. Cost-effective - Make the product affordable so the people who need your product have the opportunity to experience it. Security - Despite millions of new users within weeks, Zoom has worked diligently and effectively to make their platform safer and more secure. They have consistently been transparent in their process, and take the trust of their users very seriously.
  • 3Technology is deeply woven into the human experience. Digital transformation was already well underway, but COVID was the catalyst for technology stepping into the forefront of the human experience. Zoom is an organization that prides itself on its values internally as well as externally. Harry reiterates that only a special company could have lured him out of retirement, but because he was willing to go off-script he has been at the forefront of one of the greatest technology disruptions of our time.

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