July 25, 2021 / 38:29

What are the top factors that differentiate the companies that excel in employee experience? George LaRocque is the Founder and Principal Analyst of Work Tech. His decades of experience as a leader in HR combined with his passion and deep understanding of technology, make him a unique and prominent voice in the digital transformation space. Let’s find out what all enterprise leaders need to know about HR in the post-COVID era.

Top Takeaways

  • 1People who excel in HR are the people who are passionate about experience. George is a self-made analyst. From his extensive experience working as an HR professional, he started asking questions about the big picture of the employee lifecycle. The drive to answer those questions led him to become one of the industry’s top analysts.
  • 2A successful employee lifecycle is inextricably linked to an organization’s use of technology. For larger organizations especially, there is no successful way to recruit, hire, and retain good talent without excellent technology. Business leaders that want a successful workforce need to understand how imperative it is to equip HR professionals with the tools that they need.
  • 3The digital employee experience has never been more important than now. With more roles becoming remote, companies need to ensure that their employees have a frictionless and enjoyable digital experience.

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