June 30, 2021 / 36:05

Steffaney Zohrabyan is the Leader of Digital Adoption at Sprinklr, and former head of Sales Technology Enablement at T-Mobile. She shares her unique experience in sales technology and digital adoption tactics. Here’s how to roll out software successfully, at scale, every single time.

Top Takeaways

  • 1Without a digital adoption solution, there is a huge risk when an organization tries to adopt new software. Steffaney explains the difference between a “blind” roll-out, in which there’s no visibility versus a visible roll-out. The results are exponential.
  • 2Being a DAP Professional is a launchpad for a technology career. The more complex business technology gets, the greater the demand is for professionals to drive and own the success of software investments. This up and coming field has transformed Steffaney’s career path and is doing the same for hundreds of others.
  • 3Traditional training doesn’t cut it for enterprise software adoption. The extent of poor adoption will be surface-level at best, and a fatal drain on the organization at worst. Steffaney’s main focus in her role as Leader of Digital Adoption is to achieve a positive experience and ROI.

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