March 9, 2021 / 28:33

Andrew Casey, WalkMe’s CFO, onboarded last March and hit the ground running. His extensive accounting experience combined with a passion for business transformation makes him a decisive, strategic, and goal-oriented leader. Andrew explains the digital shift taking place across businesses today and tactical ways to implement desired outcomes.

Top Takeaways

  • 1Any strategic executive is focused on digital transformation. Andrew was looking for a career move that would give him the opportunity to be part of offering value to organizations undergoing immense transformation. He has always approached being a CFO as a highly strategic position, and one that benefits greatly from a focus on technology investment.
  • 2The value of success is integrity. Andrew defines his core value as ‘integrity’ and says that everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has their shortcomings, but as a leader, he strives to “do what he says and do it when he said he would do it.” Employees and customers alike need to have trust in their leadership in order to enable growth and success.
  • 3Even the best software investments fail without digital adoption. You guessed it - Andrew went through a failed implementation in his last role that led him to understand the pervasive problem of digital adoption. With WalkMe, he experienced a successful roll-out and he became a digital-adoption-believer.

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