February 18, 2021 / 29:43

Always seeing the opportunities, CTO Joe Atkinson and his team at PwC have faced the pandemic with nothing less than fierce optimism and an unconditional passion for digital transformation. Joe shares how he is purpose-led and values-driven, and how that has catapulted PwC to the top of their industry.

Top Takeaways

  • 1Your employees are your most important customers. Joe’s job as the Chief Products and Technology Officer is to deliver the best possible technology experience possible to all stakeholders that look to PwC for digital support. Joe explains why this is first and foremost about his own employees.
  • 2Don’t wait until you “need” to change, always stay ahead of the curve. Joe and the other leaders at PwC started getting their company ready to go remote in January, well before the rest of the corporate world scrambled to work from home overnight. Foresight, and making big changes before it’s “too late” is a key in leading a successful business.
  • 3Digital Transformation does not equal remote work. Yes, the transformation of remote work technology is incredible, and it’s been a huge step in the evolution of the digital experience, but Joe warns that we shouldn’t equate it with Digital Transformation as a whole. There’s so much more that DX entails. How is the work being done and being delivered? It’s far more extensive than video conferencing and project management.

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