Top WalkMe Company News Articles Digital adoption and more Tue, 19 Jul 2022 06:46:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Greisy Flores of Nestlé talks digital adoption with Intelligent CXO Tue, 19 Jul 2022 06:44:27 +0000 ...]]>

We at WalkMe were very excited to see our customer and digital adoption advocate, Greisy Flores of Nestlé, on the cover of the UK’s Intelligent CXO.

In the article, Greisy talks about leading change that supports a culture of learning, why data is critical to driving outcomes and engaging employees, and why Nestlé chose WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform to support its digital adoption needs.

“One thing is clear, there is no digital transformation without people. We need them to adopt and use the new tools and processes to improve productivity and our job is to build solutions that make it easier for them to do that.”

Greisy Flores,
Senior Global Product Manager of the Digital Adoption Platform at Nestlé

Implementing an effective digital adoption strategy, such as Greisy has done at Nestlé, enables organizations to deliver on their business goals – the outcomes for which they bought their software.

Get the most out of your software investments and achieve your business goals with WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform.

Thank you, Intelligent CXO for choosing Greisy for your cover. She is a wealth of knowledge and a true digital adoption trailblazer.

Check out the full article here

WalkMe’s 2021 highlights Thu, 16 Dec 2021 15:20:33 +0000 ...]]>

2021 is nearly over. Thinking back a decade or two, can you remember movies that were set in this year when it was considered “the future”? Some sci-fi fantasies, like self-driving cars, have actually become a reality—which means as time progresses, we can grow ever closer to what was once thought impossible.

And while the pandemic persists in challenging humanity on a global scale, the tech world proceeds in its endless journey of innovation, optimization, and accessibility.

We at WalkMe are continuing to pursue our vision of fundamentally transforming the productivity of humanity by harnessing the power of technology. Along our voyage this year, we have reached a number of milestones that were all made possible thanks to our loyal customers, partners, and employees.

Here are WalkMe’s highlights for 2021:


Ten years after its inception, with more than 2000 customers and over 3000 DAP professionals helping to drive digital adoption for businesses, WalkMe became Nasdaq-official with a whopping $2.5 billion valuation!

Dreams really do come true.

The more the merrier!

Our global hybrid workforce has already grown by 460+ employees this year—and there’s still time left for more to join!

(We’re hiring by the way #comewalkwithme)

*Baby on board*

WalkMe prides itself on fostering a stable and nurturing environment, which is why we want to share the excitement of the families that welcomed a total of 82 babies to the world in 2021!

Just because we can’t always be there doesn’t mean we can’t be there.

Rain, shine, or COVID-19, we were able to meet you—albeit mostly virtually—at 23 unique events, including experiences such as:

  • Community meetups with thought leaders from organizations the likes of ServiceNow and Standard Chartered Bank.
  • Panels with experts from powerhouse businesses including Dell and The Adecco Group about how to utilize a digital adoption platform (DAP) to unlock sales productivity.
  • WalkMe’s flagship event for DAP professionals, Elevate.
  • New product announcements
  • And more to come!

We get by with a little help from our friends.

We were lucky enough to create 3 new partnerships with leading organizations:

The connections we are continuously building afford us the opportunity to bring digital adoption to our customers on a scale we only once dreamed of.

UII, captain!

Thanks to one of our major partnerships this year, we were able to release a fully integrated WalkMe product on a system that already has over 40,000 customers worldwide.

We recently launched WalkMe UI Intelligence (UII) for Microsoft Dynamics 365™ and you can learn more about it in this interview with our very own CEO and Co-Founder, Dan Adika.

The Fab Four

As WalkMe continues our journey along a fast and steep growth trajectory, we looked for the right individuals who could guide us through our next phase of growth and beyond.

We officially announced our growth advisory board, comprised of four brilliant minds:

  • Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst and CEO, The Josh Bersin Company
  • Shlomit Harth, Venture Partner at TPY Capital and former Vice President and Israel Country Manager, Gartner
  • Michael Hubbard, SVP, Customer Success, Services & Support at SmartSheet
  • Enrique Oti, CTO, Second Front Systems

That’s a wrap, folks!

Reminiscing over fond memories will always be a heartfelt experience. Yet, as we move into 2022, we have our hearts set on the future—whether that be the future of digital adoption, the future of employee experience, or the future partnerships we hope to develop. We can’t wait to see how we’ll grow together next year.

Thank you again for everything you’ve contributed (even if this is your first time reading our content).

Happy holidays and a happy new year from us at WalkMe.

5 questions with Dan Adika on UI Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️ Wed, 01 Dec 2021 14:49:02 +0000 ...]]>

Launching a new product is always thrilling. Especially one close to the heart of Dan Adika, our CEO and Co-Founder, like WalkMe’s latest product, UI Intelligence (UII) for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️. 

As we introduce UII to the market, Dan sat down with us to answer 5 burning questions about WalkMe’s latest product, UI Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️.

So what is UI Intelligence?

UI Intelligence is a new AI/ML technology that understands and analyzes user interfaces, similar to face or voice recognition. UII allows us to understand context, elements on a page, and business processes directly from the UI without computer vision, which is a type of AI that enables computers to derive meaningful information from digital images and other visual inputs and take action. 

And today we are launching just one out of many applications of UI Intelligence:  UII for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️UI Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️ will allow Dynamics customers to automatically get insights regarding their user experience; for example, they will be able to see what type of errors users are getting, where the errors are happening, and how much time it takes users to complete a process.

All of this is done without any configuration or any additional action from customers, it’s all being done automatically by our AI/ML algorithms. Just last year we got 6 patents on this technology.

How did UII come to be? 

WalkMe has a great insight and analytics platform, but one of the main requests we get from our customers is that they need to know what’s broken, proactively. Our customers deploy dozens of applications, and they need a technology that will help them prioritize and understand exactly where any issues are. 

We took up the challenge to build something that won’t need any BI or data analysts that can be done completely by machine. So we built an AI algorithm that will automatically detect basic things like errors, completion time of forms, error types, etc.  We ran it on our own CRM, and the results were mind blowing. From there, we productized the technology, and today we are excited to launch the first app designed for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️.

Why did you decide to create WalkMe UII for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️

Companies invest millions of dollars in technology, but without adoption, this investment is worth nothing. When talking with CIOs, System Admins, and Sales Operations, one of their main issues is lack of data and visibility into usage. They don’t have an easy way to see what’s going on with their users, therefore making it almost impossible to improve the user experience and drive better adoption.

With UI Intelligence, they will be able to see exactly what is working and what’s not working in their CRM system, which will help them reduce data inaccuracy, improve their data quality, reduce time to complete a form, and increase the overall completion rate. 

What’s the significance of machine learning/deep learning in general in 2022 and beyond? And for WalkMe specifically?

As mentioned above, UII is a ground breaking technology; by having machine learning for how we use software, identify anomalies, and notify on exactly where we need to improve, we will be able to take productivity to a new level. And this is just the beginning. Imagine that the machine will correct you automatically, do the process for you, and even automate the workflow for you.

The impact is huge –not just for the end user,  but also for today’s enterprises that have issues with massive amounts of data.  It’s very hard for enterprises to drive change management without insight into technology adoption to solve for gaps in productivity.  With AI, understanding exactly where the issues are will allow enterprises to help users in real time.  And solving these problems up front will help enterprises maximize their ROI on technology while improving their strategic goals.

What are some of the benefits to Microsoft Dynamics 365™️ customers?

For our existing customers this feature will help them build more specific content because they will be able to see exactly where people are having issues. It will help them prioritize and focus on the main issues. In addition, they will be able to measure the impact and show their leadership team the real ROI from the technology they bought.

WalkMe will be rolling out UI Intelligence for other systems over the next several months. So if you’re clamoring for UI Intelligence for your system of choice, stay tuned!

Learn more about WalkMe UI Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics 365™️ and download your 60-day-free trial.

Announcing WalkMe’s Growth Advisory Board Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:44:04 +0000 ...]]>

I’m pleased to share that WalkMe has officially unveiled our Growth Advisory Board, which will guide our vision to fundamentally transform the productivity of humanity through the power of technology. Sounds like a huge endeavor, I know — because it is! But it’s equally exciting as it is huge, because we get to work with some of the greatest minds in the industry. 

Each of our founding members were selected because of their unique backgrounds and the alignment of those backgrounds with our top priorities: from global expansion into new markets, to penetration within key verticals. As WalkMe continues our journey along a fast and steep growth trajectory, we looked for the right individuals who could guide us through our next phase of growth and beyond. 

With that, I’d like to introduce our founding members of the WalkMe Growth Advisory Board and pass along a few remarks from each: 

Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst and CEO, The Josh Bersin Company

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Josh Bersin founded Bersin & Associates in 2001 to provide research and advisory services focused on corporate learning. After expanding the company to encompass all areas of HR, he sold the company to Deloitte in 2012 and was a partner in Bersin by Deloitte through 2018. 

In 2019, Bersin launched the Josh Bersin Academy, the world’s first global development academy for HR and talent professionals at all levels and across all industries. Today, the Academy is part of The Josh Bersin Company, which  provides a wide range of research and advisory services to help HR leaders and professionals tackle the ever-evolving challenges and needs of today’s workforces.

“Technology plays a huge role in keeping employees connected and productive. However, deploying new technology at speed and scale is no easy feat, and achieving wide adoption is even harder. During the pandemic, HR and IT departments have had to work closely together to ensure ‘business as usual’ continues while ensuring employees remain engaged.

My goal for participating in the Growth Advisory Board is to represent the needs and challenges of HR so the HR function can be factored into the creation of business-critical solutions for the future of work. WalkMe is the market leader in DAP solutions, and I am confident their customers will continue to benefit from the advanced, human-centric technologies being deployed by WalkMe around the world.” 

Shlomit Harth, Venture Partner at TPY Capital and former Vice President and Israel Country Manager, Gartner

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Shlomit is former VP at Gartner who has held various leadership roles in the high-tech industry over the last 20+ years. She has a track record of creative strategic planning and execution and leading people to success in complex situations, diverse cultures, and challenging business circumstances.

Shlomit is currently a Venture Partner at TPY Capital and is also a champion of diversity in the tech industry, leading the Tel Aviv chapter of Upward Women.

“WalkMe is a business that perfectly exemplifies the most important trends driving the tech industry forwards: composability and automation. As the building blocks of composability will increasingly be evident across all market sectors, I will be working with WalkMe to help leadership navigate the complexities of the evolving technology landscape.

In order for businesses to be successfully future-proof, their underlying technology stack—as well as their business model—will need to support the kind of modular architecture that enables an environment of continuous reinvention. I believe that WalkMe will continue to lead its category and support its customers in achieving their digital transformation goals.”

Michael Hubbard, SVP, Customer Success, Services & Support at SmartSheet

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Michael is an advisor to executives of the largest and most innovative firms in the world on obtaining value from enterprise technology. Hubbard changes how big companies adopt technology in pursuit of maximizing outcome achievement. He advises leadership teams on incorporating mega trends such as cloud, mobile, automation, and collaboration to reinvent jobs and digitize work. 

“I am focused on helping successful, disruptive companies who have created their own markets achieve success as an enduring technology platform. I’m delighted to be joining WalkMe in an advisory capacity to ensure that, as they continue to evolve their platform, the company’s focus remains firmly on the customer and their journey.

I’ll be working closely with leadership and the rest of the Growth Advisory Board on operationalizing processes and practices on the sales side and place a focus on our enterprise value proposition to ensure we continue to capitalize on the digital adoption market opportunity with a sharp, strategic focus on the customer.”

Enrique Oti, CTO, Second Front Systems

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Enrique is currently the CTO at Second Front Systems and an experienced technologist and leader with a strong track record of organizational transformation, technological innovation, and capabilities delivery. As a US Air Force veteran, he has deep insights into Department of Defense policies, processes, and needs.

Over the last five years, he has focused on finding creative ways to connect the DoD to the start-up ecosystem in Silicon Valley and beyond, helping establish the Defense Innovation Unit, and the Air Force software factory, Kessel Run.

“I’m excited to work with WalkMe and extend its reach into vertical markets. As part of my time in the Air Force, I helped roll out new software development capabilities with a focus on the user journey and experience. There are a plethora of antiquated systems at the government level that are ripe for digital transformation.

As an expert on user experience, I’m drawn to WalkMe as I have seen first hand how navigating digital disruption takes a toll on the user, their capabilities, and productivity levels. I have a strong track record in the innovation ecosystem in the tech community, and I’m confident that with WalkMe, the federal government and its users will have a profoundly better experience navigating the digital change mandated by the fourth industrial revolution.”
