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“Rising Star” WalkMe  Recognized as Leader in Guided Self-Service

“Rising Star” WalkMe Recognized as Leader in Guided Self-Service

By WalkMe Team

The March issue of CRM Magazine will profile the winners of the 2015 CRM Service Awards, and we are very honored that WalkMe was recognized!

WalkMe’s enterprise-class guidance and engagement platform was named a “Rising Star” in the world of customer care and online customer experience.

Paul Greenberg, president of The 56 Group and recognized as one of most influential thought leaders on CRM and customer experience, said that WalkMe is “arguably the best-thought-out help tool…[he’s] ever seen.”

The magazine opens its description of WalkMe with the following introduction:

“Companies and their Web sites are constantly evolving, featuring new products, upgrades, services, pricing, and company information. Considering the increasing amount of content that Web site visitors have to wade through, it’s sometimes a wonder they can find any relevant information at all. Fortunately, WalkMe aims to simplify the online customer experience with its guided self-service platform.”

Greenberg said that WalkMe is “rife with potential,” largely because it fits across multiple channels and verticals. He went on to say, in describing the uniqueness of WalkMe:

The technology not only makes self-service as user-friendly as possible but is also “only as obtrusive as you want it to be. Unlike other tools, it doesn’t block anything else you are doing while it makes its appearance,” he says.

“They take into account the necessary content to guide users…to the optimal use of the technology, increasing adoption as a result,” Greenberg says, “but also take into account the behavior of the user.”

“There is no real category for them, which makes it tough to define the market,” Greenberg says, “but the quality of what they have and their growth and evolution over the past year are indisputable.”

This is the latest award in an ever-increasing stream of recognition from leading industry journalists and analysts. Previously WalkMe was named a “Cool Vendor” by Gartner, Customer Magazine’s 2014 “Contact Center Technology” Award, was recently a finalist in the 2014 CRM Idol competition and many more.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.