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WalkMe’s 2021 highlights

WalkMe’s 2021 highlights

By WalkMe Team

2021 is nearly over. Thinking back a decade or two, can you remember movies that were set in this year when it was considered “the future”? Some sci-fi fantasies, like self-driving cars, have actually become a reality—which means as time progresses, we can grow ever closer to what was once thought impossible.

And while the pandemic persists in challenging humanity on a global scale, the tech world proceeds in its endless journey of innovation, optimization, and accessibility.

We at WalkMe are continuing to pursue our vision of fundamentally transforming the productivity of humanity by harnessing the power of technology. Along our voyage this year, we have reached a number of milestones that were all made possible thanks to our loyal customers, partners, and employees.

Here are WalkMe’s highlights for 2021:


Ten years after its inception, with more than 2000 customers and over 3000 DAP professionals helping to drive digital adoption for businesses, WalkMe became Nasdaq-official with a whopping $2.5 billion valuation!

Dreams really do come true.

The more the merrier!

Our global hybrid workforce has already grown by 460+ employees this year—and there’s still time left for more to join!

(We’re hiring by the way #comewalkwithme)

*Baby on board*

WalkMe prides itself on fostering a stable and nurturing environment, which is why we want to share the excitement of the families that welcomed a total of 82 babies to the world in 2021!

Just because we can’t always be there doesn’t mean we can’t be there.

Rain, shine, or COVID-19, we were able to meet you—albeit mostly virtually—at 23 unique events, including experiences such as:

  • Community meetups with thought leaders from organizations the likes of ServiceNow and Standard Chartered Bank.
  • Panels with experts from powerhouse businesses including Dell and The Adecco Group about how to utilize a digital adoption platform (DAP) to unlock sales productivity.
  • WalkMe’s flagship event for DAP professionals, Elevate.
  • New product announcements
  • And more to come!

We get by with a little help from our friends.

We were lucky enough to create 3 new partnerships with leading organizations:

The connections we are continuously building afford us the opportunity to bring digital adoption to our customers on a scale we only once dreamed of.

UII, captain!

Thanks to one of our major partnerships this year, we were able to release a fully integrated WalkMe product on a system that already has over 40,000 customers worldwide.

We recently launched WalkMe UI Intelligence (UII) for Microsoft Dynamics 365™ and you can learn more about it in this interview with our very own CEO and Co-Founder, Dan Adika.

The Fab Four

As WalkMe continues our journey along a fast and steep growth trajectory, we looked for the right individuals who could guide us through our next phase of growth and beyond.

We officially announced our growth advisory board, comprised of four brilliant minds:

  • Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst and CEO, The Josh Bersin Company
  • Shlomit Harth, Venture Partner at TPY Capital and former Vice President and Israel Country Manager, Gartner
  • Michael Hubbard, SVP, Customer Success, Services & Support at SmartSheet
  • Enrique Oti, CTO, Second Front Systems

That’s a wrap, folks!

Reminiscing over fond memories will always be a heartfelt experience. Yet, as we move into 2022, we have our hearts set on the future—whether that be the future of digital adoption, the future of employee experience, or the future partnerships we hope to develop. We can’t wait to see how we’ll grow together next year.

Thank you again for everything you’ve contributed (even if this is your first time reading our content).

Happy holidays and a happy new year from us at WalkMe.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.