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WalkMe at the PEAK of Everest’s matrix

WalkMe at the PEAK of Everest’s matrix

By WalkMe Team

We’ve got some exciting news to share! Everest’s latest PEAK Matrix report assessed the top digital adoption platform vendors of 2021 and WalkMe was awarded the highest honors with a 10/10 rating!


Who is Everest, what’s a PEAK Matrix report, and what is a digital adoption platform?

For the uninitiated:

  1. Everest Group is a leading global research firm that guides their clients’ multi-million-dollar decisions with data, research, and insights to achieve superior business results.
  1. The PEAK Matrix provides an objective, data-driven assessment of service and technology providers based on their overall capability and market impact across different global services markets, classifying them into three categories: Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants.
  1. Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are software platforms designed to facilitate seamless software learning by simplifying the user experience and ensuring proficiency on any software platform, website, or app.


As the rapidly evolving digital landscape continues to reveal new business needs from employees and customers alike, there is a growing awareness of digital adoption as a key parameter of successful digital transformation.

Which is why we at WalkMe are elated to be considered both a Leader* and Star Performer* in a field that offers such an agile solution to those who need to navigate the winding paths that lay ahead.

(*Everest’s words, not ours.)

“WalkMe demonstrated the strongest year-over-year movement on both market impact and vision and capability categories, emerging as both a Leader and Star Performer on the DAP Products PEAK Matrix Assessment 2021.”**

Sharath Hari N – Vice President Sourcing & Vendor Management, Everest

(**Also Everest’s words.)

Discover new use cases, key benefits, and opportunities to implement a digital adoption strategy in your organization.

Download the report now


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.