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Elevate 2021 Recap

Elevate 2021 Recap

By WalkMe Team

And that’s a wrap, folks!

Elevate 2021, the event for DAP professionals, is in the books as the largest digital adoption event to date with 1200+ wonderful and engaging guests!

If you weren’t able to attend yourself, or just want to relive the electrifying experience, here is our recap of the two-day extravaganza.

(We would say all parts of it were our favorite, but if you really want to know everything that happened at Elevate, you kind of had to be there.)

Day one

The state of digital adoption: powered by you

We kicked off the event with WalkMe’s President and Co-founder Rafael Sweary and our RVP of Strategic Positioning, Ofir Bloch, covering “The State of Digital Adoption,” and the influence of DAP professionals in the growing industry.

Key quotes:

“Compounded problems are difficult to solve with a point solution […] The problem exists in many areas of the enterprise—cross company and in any company”

“DAP is a new way of doing business.”

“We are building an industry.”

“The definition of luck is when preparation meets opportunity. The opportunity is coming.”

You can check out the full conversation below:

Rise to the challenge: lead digital adoption at your organization

The powerhouse discussion between WalkMe leaders was followed up by a brilliant and insightful interview with Technology Director at State Farm Insurance, Todd Ferguson; led by our very own Head of Digital Adoption Program Strategy, Paige Clark.

Key quotes:

“No one wants to go spend two weeks in a class on how to use an application. They want to get in, do what they need to do, do it successfully, and move on.”

“The DAP professional is helping my organization potentially reduce cost, reduce training time, improve quality, increase sales, reduce risk {…} They become a key partner to the business area.”

“When I think of the future of the DAP Professional, the sky’s the limit.”

Watch the complete fireside chat here

Lay the groundwork for an accelerated digital adoption launch

Presented by Patrice Sullivan, Senior Director of Training and Support, Parexel International. She demonstrated the importance of WalkMe’s ability to keep employee productivity at an all-time high by providing in-app guidance.

Key quote:

“Micro-demos and job aides all have a place within the YouTube generation, but they take the user out of the system.”

Learn from an advanced DAP pro what her company did correctly and what they would have changed in their initial deployments.

Full presentation here

The DemoJam

In this gameshow style session, DAP pros showcased their most compelling DAP solutions in a super short, no-fluff, 2-minute demo. At the end, attendees voted live on their favorite solution.

Watch all of the finalists kick out the DemoJams here

The crowned champion of the DemoJam (and winner of $500 cash) was Digital Adoption Leader from CrossCountry Mortgage, Joe Poyma!

Day two

We started off by celebrating DAP Professionals Day! Attendees were celebrated and recognized for their contributions in the field of digital adoption. Some even won certifications for sharing their Elevate learnings and ROI wins!

How to design WalkMe experiences that users love

Next up, WalkMe UX/UI Design Team Lead, Gintah Tran and Customer Education Manager, Tracy Ngo showed exactly how to create content that engages employees and customers alike.

Key points from the presentation:

Use the KIDS methodology – Keep it Informative, Delightful, and Simple

There are 4 user types to accommodate:

Power users: They are the least common (unfortunately). They willingly accept proactive help and guidance, and will gladly read instructions closely and complete task lists.

On-demand users: Second most common. They do not accept proactive help or guidance; will search for help when stuck.

Modern users: The number of this type of user is growing quickly. They do not expect to learn about the technology; they expect the technology to work for them.

Stubborn users: Most common. Will not search for help when stuck; will only engage with reactive validation or positive reinforcement.

Develop a data-driven strategy, with Nestlé

We learned from Nestlé’s senior product manager of their technology learning center, Greisy Flores, how she is leading her organization to take a data-first approach, by using WalkMe’s data and Insights to get more visibility to support data-driven decisions.

Key points:
  • Gather data from different sources to identify clear business objectives
  • Use DXA, Tracked Events, and Funnels to establish a baseline
  • Turn the Value Framework into Adoption Projects and set up SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) objectives
  • Create a monthly review process to look at data, adjust approaches, and create action items
  • Be patient, look at long-term trends.

Watch the session below and walk away with even more tips on how to use WalkMe’s most powerful data and visibility tools to uncover key use cases and experience insights.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who took part in Elevate 2021! If you want to join us at upcoming events, take a peek at our Events and Webinars Calendar.

All sessions from the event are available on demand as well


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.