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A Simple Solution to the Biggest Software Learning Obstacle

A Simple Solution to the Biggest Software Learning Obstacle

By WalkMe Team

The idea that learning to use technology is only challenging for the tech-impaired and more seasoned generations is a myth.

Indeed, most tech-savvy millennials are familiar with answering common questions from parents and grandparents: What does this button do? What happens if I click here? Did that send?

But the ability to explain the features of an iPhone does not necessarily translate to proficiency on complex business software. Today, enterprise solutions demand thorough understanding to maximize usability. Software learning requires more effective employee training.

Empower your employees to master new software with ease.

Focus on New Employee Training to Enhance Productivity

Most employees who use enterprise systems depend on training solutions to guide them. Without software learning tools, it is easy for employees, especially new employees, to feel overwhelmed and not ask enough questions.

Failing to clarify areas of confusion could lead to time consuming and costly mistakes later on. When combined with the pressure of tight deadlines and other work constraints, misunderstanding software functions and interfaces can be truly despairing for new employees.

Here’s the bottom line: Employers can preempt software confusion among new employees by accurately identifying common struggles. Luckily, one of the most profound challenges can be solved with accessible solutions.

Identify the Primary Barrier to Software Learning

As an employer, it is important to understand common barriers to learning new technology systems. When starting to use a new software system, one of the first and most debilitating challenges employees face is confronting the sheer number of features and buttons most software systems contain.

A confusing interface makes it difficult to remember what each function does.When employees have to spend time searching for the desired next step, efficiency and productivity is automatically diminished.

Provide Ongoing Support

Business software does not resemble day-to-day technology, so confusion from using new, complex systems is natural. Confusion is even more likely if the software is introduced without software learning tools. Without adequate guidance and real-time assistance, users will quickly become frustrated after repeated failed attempts.

A poor user experience for the employee creates a ripple effect of reduced effectiveness and lowered productivity for the company. Therefore, it’s imperative to ensure employees have enough support and assistance to use software effectively.

Make Software Training Simple With On-Screen Navigation

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is uniquely equipped to help employees become proficient with unfamiliar software systems. The personalized on-screen navigation feature boosts productivity for every individual trainee on the job, answers frequently asked questions and speeds up the onboarding process. The implementation of WalkMe learning tools ensures an error-free workflow because of its step-by-step guidance. Importantly, it reduces frustration and requests for outside software learning support.

Successful businesses know how to tend to employees’ well-being. This is accomplished not only through giving employee benefits and valuable career-building experience, but also by making their daily lives at work easier. Providing them with software learning tools is one simple way to accomplish this.

Take the stress out of software training with real-time guidance.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.