Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Spotlight.

Red Hat Drives Digital Transformation Excellence
With WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform.
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“ [WalkMe] lets you understand in advance, and diagnostically, how people are using our tools and services. It helps to gain insights we would not have been able to gain otherwise.”

- Mike Kelly, Chief Information Officer at Red Hat

Red Hat, a 15,000+ employee company, leveraged WalkMe to drive digital adoption across the tech stack.

Gain insights and greater value from your tech stack through broad deployment of a Digital Adoption Platform.

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Analyzed software adoption to maximize ROI

With WalkMe, RedHat’s CIO gained a strategic tool to observe, measure and improve transformation initiatives from an EX and CX perspective

Supported self-help with in-application guidance

Increased efficiency by automating processes


Automation to power productivity

WalkMe’s no code and easy to use automation solution supports productivity growth and time savings for RedHat employees.

drop in support and helpdesk tickets for a frequently used app


projected annual savings in software licences


yearly recaptured productivity gain for one application


in savings on design and implementation training for managers for a new platform


Thanks to WalkMe, Red Hat empowered organizational digital transformation, efficiency and productivity in times of rapid change.

WalkMe's Approach to Digital Adoption

The DAP Layers

  1. Insights
  2. Guidance
  3. Engagement
  4. Automation
  5. DAP Center

Collect and analyze usage data, gain visibility into the user journey and find out where your users struggle, so that you can make data-driven decisions and champion transformational change.

Contextually drive users to action with in-app and cross-app, step-by-step guidance. Using strategically placed content delivered at the moment of need, users can successfully and accurately complete complex business processes.

Shift from reactive to proactive user engagement by anticipating user needs and providing personalized guidance so that your users never have to search for help again.

Simplify the user experience by eliminating empty clicks and automating mundane tasks - within and across applications. Ensure accurate process completion as you increase user engagement and send productivity soaring.

Gain full visibility into all user activities and adoption metrics so that you can make strategic and data-driven decisions that grow revenue and accelerate digital transformation.

DAP Center
Collect and analyze usage data, gain visibility into the user journey and find out where your users struggle, so that you can make data-driven decisions and champion transformational change.
Contextually drive users to action with in-app and cross-app, step-by-step guidance. Using strategically placed content delivered at the moment of need, users can successfully and accurately complete complex business processes.
Shift from reactive to proactive user engagement by anticipating user needs and providing personalized guidance so that your users never have to search for help again.
Simplify the user experience by eliminating empty clicks and automating mundane tasks - within and across applications. Ensure accurate process completion as you increase user engagement and send productivity soaring.
Gain full visibility into all user activities and adoption metrics so that you can make strategic and data-driven decisions that grow revenue and accelerate digital transformation.

2000 + Leading Enterprises Use WalkMe