Cloud transformation

What is cloud transformation?

Cloud transformation is the process of migrating work to the cloud, including data, apps, and software programs.

IT infrastructure can also be migrated to the cloud in line with digital transformation objectives.

Cloud transformation enables businesses to quickly respond to threats and embrace new ways of working that incorporate the digital adoption of new technologies

What is a cloud transformation strategy?

A cloud transformation strategy is a framework that encompasses a complete cycle of digital innovation.

It should prioritize migration, data and analytics, management and optimization, and cloud security to gain a flexible, competitive edge.  

Cloud transformation is a major component of the digital transformation umbrella and has helped to revolutionize the online space.

Encouraged by digital-first initiatives, cloud transformation strategies use benchmarking techniques to measure performance against competitors and identify problem areas relative to a maturity curve.

What is AWS cloud transformation?

The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) assists businesses in recognizing how cloud adoption transforms and compliments new ways of working by delivering a structured approach to the identification of gaps in processes and skills. 

The tool allows you to analyze and examine cloud migration readiness, covering people, process, platform, business, security, and operations.

What is cloud-based digital transformation?

Cloud-based digital transformation enhances and expands an organization’s processes, operations, and services, allowing for faster and more efficient digitization.

The resilience and robustness of the cloud aid the changing needs of businesses and decreases the risk of expendable IT resources. 

Cloud-based IT transformation seeks to empower organizations with a data-driven strategy that emphasizes customer engagement, organic growth, and structural IT adaptation to stimulate growth and reduce overheads.

What is a cloud transformation journey?

A cloud transformation journey model identifies cloud cost and experience over time.

Cloud consumption, AI migration, implementation, governance, and optimization are all factored in to demonstrate accurate, measurable results.

The four stages of a cloud transformation journey: 

  1. Starting – Companies assess the benefits of moving to the cloud and begin implementation. Costs begin to surge as new apps are migrated and new models are upgraded, but money is saved elsewhere in the business.
  2. Implementation – Rising costs are the biggest challenge to businesses during the cloud adoption journey. Easily accessible technology and lower developmental costs cause developers to consume more. 
  3. Execution – Businesses understand more about cloud consumption and can work to significantly reduce costs. Once costs reach a benchmark, organizations must decide whether to limit cloud consumption or shift workloads back on-premises.
  4. Evaluation – This step involves limiting costs whilst encouraging flexible IT consumption and reflecting on analysis and reports to build measurable strategies for the future.

What are the key benefits of cloud transformation?

The key benefits of cloud transformation are as follows: 

  • Future-proofs business practices 
  • Increases efficiency 
  • Reduces overhead costs 
  • Improves scalability 
  • Enhances mobility
  • Provides increased security 

How does a cloud-first strategy help businesses?

A cloud-first strategy helps businesses save capital and reduces spending on software, infrastructure, and platforms. Instead of having a dedicated tech stack, businesses can make use of managed service providers (MSPs) who deliver premium cloud services at much cheaper rates.

Service providers can easily capitalize on the economics of scale and businesses can access superior services that aid digital transformation.

What is a cloud-computing service?

A cloud-computing service delivers computing services based in the cloud, including rapid innovation, adaptable resources, and economies of scale.

These services typically include servers, storage, databases, software, networking, analytics, and intelligence. 

The benefits associated with cloud-computing services (CCS) are vast, including the reduction of upfront IT infrastructure costs.

Organizations are only required to pay for the cloud services that they use, which significantly lowers long-term operating costs and allows businesses to scale as their needs shift.   

What is PwC cloud?

PwC cloud is a transformation solution that helps users take advantage of the cloud innovatively. It uses software accelerators that deliver one-to-one cloud strategy support, moving businesses beyond migration to digital innovation. 

PwC cloud incorporates the following solutions: 

  • Strategy and transformation 
  • Modernization and migration 
  • Cloud-powered innovation 
  • Cloud compliance and security 
  •  Industry cloud solutions

Cloud transformation roadmap

Cloud-first policies have been implemented by governments around the world who want to accelerate the rate of adoption.

But for companies who already have grounded infrastructure, data, and applications, the move can be tricky, time-consuming, and expensive. 

That’s why businesses have shifted their transformation roadmaps to a cloud-smart approach that concentrates on an outcome-based method for maximum benefits associated with performance, costs, and risk. 

Cloud transformation vs cloud migration

Cloud transformation incorporates whole areas of business and adapts, modifies, and shifts data away from on-site infrastructure and into local cloud-based servers.

It’s often a lengthy process that involves migrating apps and software programs to the cloud. 

Cloud migration, on the other hand, moves some business data over to the cloud whilst keeping ground infrastructure intact.

Cloud data migration is usually operated by service providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.

Is the cloud a digital technology?

Yes, the cloud is certainly a digital technology.

Cloud computing is a key aspect of the digital transformation ecosystem that’s ushering in a digital-first future, which will see businesses rely less on grounded infrastructure.

Digital innovation drives sophisticated technological change that shifts and optimizes internal resources whilst delivering integrated value to customers. 

The delivery of varied and distinct services through the internet has revolutionized modern business practices.

Technology-based cloud resources offer access to tools and applications, such as networking, databases, software, and secure data storage.   


Cloud transformation allows businesses to future-proof internal processes whilst enhancing efficiency, scalability, and profitability.

It’s an essential component of digital transformation and works hand in hand with strategies designed to modernize business practices. 

Cloud transformation is the starting point for a modern, agile business world, including continued mobility and security.

It provides a guided shift into the future, ensuring long-lasting protection and increased business continuity.

Updated: April 03, 2022

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