Digital Adoption

What is Digital Adoption?

Digital adoption means achieving a state in which users gain the ability to use digital tools as they are intended and to the fullest extent. It is taking a brand-new user and helping them become entirely self-sufficient and competent.

When users achieve digital adoption, they not only learn basic functions on a given software, but also maximize the potential of advanced features to unlock innovative new ideas and processes.

Software adoption is only part of the digital adoption process. Digital adoption itself has a wider scope.

Digital adoption refers to:

  • The implementation and adoption of new software or technology
  • Adoption of digital workflows or processes
  • Adoption of a digital culture or mindset
  • Organizational changes that occur as part of this transformation

When successful, digital adoption has far-reaching business impacts. However, such initiatives can cause workplace friction and will fail if not managed properly.

The benefits of digital adoption include:

  • Streamlined workflows
  • Reduced costs
  • Automated business processes
  • Improved revenue
  • Increased customer satisfaction or employee satisfaction

Because digital adoption is not a trivial endeavor, many businesses utilize digital adoption solutions such as digital adoption platforms (DAPs) to streamline user onboarding, optimize daily operations, and ultimately realize the true value of their systems.


For leaders, it is your responsibility to create a playbook that can be followed in times of uncertainty. The key is not just to have the plan in place but to act quickly when disruption occurs to meet the needs of a changing market.

-Raphael Sweary, President and Co-Founder of WalkMe

Digital Adoption Platforms

DAPs enable simple and efficient software onboarding, usability, and productivity for users of all levels of experience and competence on a given platform. Advanced DAPs, such as WalkMe, also use cutting-edge analytics and AI to provide deeper insights into the adoption process.

Monitoring digital adoption achievements

By gathering crucial data about user engagement on websites, business applications, and desktops, companies can understand where their workflows are failing. They then are able to make the necessary adjustments and customize solutions for employees and customers alike.

The top DAPs today enable content creation with low-code, and even no-code, development tools. This gives business users who are already familiar with a system the opportunity to build guidance and engagement workflows that comply with the needs of the organization—without having to touch the underlying code.

The combination of insights and the power to reconfigure proprietary software results in a digital adoption cycle that moves faster, has less resistance, and lowers costs across the board.

The Role of Digital Adoption in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation represents a major shift in the way a company engages with technology. Whether it be finding new ways to update and make the most of legacy applications, or implementing new software, the people who will use those systems need to be taught the processes that will make up their workflows.

Having the top technology that money can buy means nothing if your employees and customers can’t operate it correctly. Designing, enacting, and maintaining a digital adoption strategy is key for this very reason.

Digital adoption helps users embrace the technology they are provided and ensures they will have seamless user experiences with every digital contact point they encounter—handling a significant portion of the change management involved in digital transformation.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is digital adoption Institute?
    The digital adoption institute, established by WalkMe, offers live online courses for professionals who are interested in becoming certified experts in the field of digital adoption.
  • Who are the digital adoption professionals?
    Digital adoption professionals are hired specifically to assist with the strategy and implementation of software and are becoming a mainstay in leading businesses.

Updated: August 03, 2022

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