The WalkMe Platform

WalkMe's Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) enables organizations to leverage data across business applications and workflows and take action to increase user adoption by simplifying user experience.
Data & visibility

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) gives you total visibility into application usage and user journeys as you gain data-backed opportunities to improve digital adoption.


Leverage data to design and deploy user experiences that increase adoption and engagement across workflows and applications.

  • Build
  • Design
  • Leverage best-practices
With WalkMe’s no-code editor, organizations have the agility to take immediate action to fix what is broken across workflows and applications - without having to rely on developers or release cycles.
Design data-driven experiences in the form of automation, a conversational interface, tooltips, on screen guidance or other changes to the UI using our digital adoption platform.
Leverage best-practice templates and pre-built solutions for quicker time-to-value.
  • Build
    With WalkMe’s no-code editor, organizations have the agility to take immediate action to fix what is broken across workflows and applications - without having to rely on developers or release cycles.
  • Design
    Design data-driven experiences in the form of automation, a conversational interface, tooltips, on screen guidance or other changes to the UI using our digital adoption platform.
  • Leverage best-practices
    Leverage best-practice templates and pre-built solutions for quicker time-to-value.
  • Personalization
    Empower user experiences.
    Drive users to success with personalized experiences across any workflow or device through guidance, hyper-automation, in-app engagement, and self-serve help.
    UI Intelligence UI Intelligence
  • Integrations
    WalkMe's Integration Center
    Connect your most business-critical applications to and from WalkMe to empower data-driven decision making and personalized experiences.
    Integrations Integrations
  • Omni-channel experiences
    Web, desktop, mobile
    WalkMe's Digital Adoption Platform creates a transparent layer for the end-user across any software to ensure immediate and intuitive access to any application, workflow, or resource.
    Security Security
  • Technology
    Our core, patented technology.
    Leverage machine learning and AI to identify user sentiment in context and drive users to success.
    delivery delivery
  • Personalization
  • Integrations
  • Omni-channel experiences
  • Technology
Empower user experiences.
Drive users to success with personalized experiences across any workflow or device through guidance, hyper-automation, in-app engagement, and self-serve help.
UI Intelligence
WalkMe's Integration Center
Connect your most business-critical applications to and from WalkMe to empower data-driven decision making and personalized experiences.
Web, desktop, mobile
WalkMe's Digital Adoption Platform creates a transparent layer for the end-user across any software to ensure immediate and intuitive access to any application, workflow, or resource.
Our core, patented technology.
Leverage machine learning and AI to identify user sentiment in context and drive users to success.

How it works

The Digital Adoption Platform

Powerful patented technology that unlocks visibility into your digital assets and empowers you to design user experiences like never before.

Our solution

Do more with data.

Gain insight into how employees use technology and where they struggle. Design smart user experiences that boost efficiency, productivity, and data integrity. Monitor progress on dashboards as your organization maximizes ROI on your digital spend and achieves digital transformation.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why are digital adoption platforms (DAP) important?

    Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) play an important role in boosting software ROI, improving the employee onboarding process, streamlining change management, increasing employee engagement, and more. 

    Organizations worldwide are under pressure to speed up digital transformation, and are investing tens of millions of dollars in the latest enterprise software to do so. If end-users aren’t able to correctly and effectively use the technology, a large part of this investment will go to waste. 

    DAPs enable enterprises to manage their business goals by giving users contextual in-app guidance, immediate access to self-serve resources, and proactive alerts to utilize applications to their fullest extent. Furthermore, the data provided by DAP helps identify where users struggle, make mistakes, and drop out of critical processes so that you can improve software usage and employee productivity.

  • How do digital adoption platforms accelerate digital transformation efforts?

    Digital transformation, i.e., the implementation of new technology to streamline business processes, is a critical organizational KPI. When done incorrectly, however, digital transformation can result in wasted investment, low application uptake, employee confusion, and more consequences that can be detrimental to a business.

    For many enterprises, wasted digital spend often amounts to tens of millions of dollars every year. This could be the result of:

    • Applications with redundant capabilities
    • Different departments using their own applications for specific tasks, limiting cross-departmental collaboration
    • Overly complicated software that employees are unable to use effectively

    Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) streamline the digital transformation process, helping to ensure proper application uptake. Operating on top of existing software, a DAP can provide contextual guidance in real time, showing users how to get the most out of their applications. Furthermore, the data generated by a DAP gives decision makers the information they need to decide whether an application is being used to its fullest potential.

  • How do digital adoption platforms boost employee productivity?

    DAPs are uniquely placed to improve application uptake, giving employees the resources they need to execute their jobs more efficiently and boosting productivity.

    The contextual in-app guidance offered by DAP provides users with real-time suggestions as to how they can best use their software. This helps eliminate employee frustrations, saving them time and energy. Additionally, it limits the number of application support tickets, freeing up critical IT resources.

    DAPs can also help identify which applications are functioning correctly. Enterprises add up to 17 new applications to their tech stack every year. For employees, learning how to use these applications is confusing, time consuming, and impractical. DAP analytics can tell decision makers which of their applications are being used correctly, which could help identify redundant functionalities and streamline workflows.

  • How do I choose a digital adoption platform?

    Before choosing a DAP, it’s important to outline your specific needs and the use cases you’d like to address. DAP providers each have their own set of unique features, making it critical to research which one is most applicable to your business.

    The following considerations should be taken into account before making your decision:

    • Analytics capabilities – One of the main benefits offered by DAP is the ability to track user behavior to understand how software is being used and where it can be optimized. Make sure that your potential DAP provider has the analytics capabilities you need to ensure you can get the most out of your tech-stack.
    • Training programs – Your DAP provider should be able to provide in-depth training about their digital adoption platform to ensure your employees know how to fully take advantage of its capabilities. Whether this training comes in the form of live sessions, webinars, or guides, users should be able to understand how their DAP operates.
    • Ease of use – You’ll want to make sure that once your DAP is implemented, your employees will be able to easily use it without having to contact the vendor for support. A live demo before onboarding will give you a better idea of how easy it is to work with a specific DAP.
    • Patented platform technology– Your DAP provider should operate their own platform, as opposed to relying on third parties for individual components. This ensures that your DAP software is consistently up-to-date and can scale up to meet your company’s individual needs.