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Master the art of digital adoption at Elevate

Master the art of digital adoption at Elevate

By Derek Adams

The number of people finding career paths using a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) grows every day. Executives are recognizing their worth in managing digital change and realizing return on software investments at all-time high levels. 

Neglecting or taking the wrong approach to digital adoption can cost large organizations close to $100m. 

State of Digital Adoption, 2022–2023

But mastering the art of digital adoption is challenging. It’s a new discipline that has many facets, as described by Caroline Sancken in her blog about coursework strategy to enable DAP Professionals. The great artists of today had to discover what digital adoption means within their organizations without a blueprint for how it was done before them.

WalkMe invites you to Elevate 2022 to hear directly from some of these artists about how they address these 4 crucial elements required to master this exploding artform:

  • Using data to validate success and drive decisions
  • Building DAP into a change management strategy
  • Demonstrating the exponential ROI of digital adoption
  • Building a successful DAP team

Session 1: Designing a Data-First DAP Strategy

In the first breakout session, you’ll hear from Christi Lopez, WalkMe Administrator at W.L. Gore & Associates, who will give you tips on how to infuse a data-driven mentality into all stages of your digital adoption project. You’ll learn – through real-world examples, use cases, and templates – how to improve your DAP strategies with measurement and reporting best practices.

Session 2: Elevating a Human-Centric Transformation Strategy with DAP

Next, you’ll hear from Cristina Suéscum, Global People Transformation Manager at AB InBev, who brings a wealth of knowledge about change management. Cristina will share how she and her team infuse digital adoption throughout their change management strategies, putting the user at the heart of experience. You’ll leave inspired, ready to elevate your transformation initiatives, and redefine user adoption and experience. 

Session 3: Using “Store Walks” to Demystify DAP Value

Next, you’ll hear from Laura Valenziano, Program & Change Manager at Stripe, who will share a simple, yet powerful way to conceptualize, calculate, and communicate the ROI of your digital adoption program. You’ll see how to create user stories and identify areas where you can have the greatest impact, then put it into practice – complete with pro tips and calculation templates.  

Session 4: Building a World-Class DAP Operation

Finally, Matt O’Malley, Associate Director, Digital Adoption at KPMG will share what he’s learned building and running successful DAP teams. Whether you’re a one-person show or a fully staffed center of excellence, you’ll learn the skills you need to develop — or hire for — to succeed and scale your team as your business evolves. 

Join us at Elevate!

Set yourself up for great success by following the examples of great digital adoption professionals. Check out this stellar line-up and more at Elevate 2022. 

Register for Elevate! Join us virtually on October 25 or in-person from October 25–27 in San Francisco.


Derek Adams
Derek Adams is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at WalkMe with a passion for content and storytelling. He's been writing about technology from the technical and marketing perspectives for 22 years living in Silicon Valley and now in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. He enjoys craft beer and jigsaw puzzles, in that order.