Episode 12
Nina Baliga, VP of Client Experience & Equitable Strategist InterviewIA

How Inclusion is Driving Better Business

We know that inclusion and equity in the workplace is ethically the right thing to do. But did you know that it also yields better business outcomes? Nina Baliga is VP of Client Experience and Equitable Strategies at InterviewIA. This conversation addresses the complicated but important systemic inequities that exist today and how crucial it is that we utilize technology to bridge those gaps and essentially make the world a better place starting at work.

August 16, 2021 / 33:02

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Episode 11
George LaRocque, Founder & Principal Analyst WorkTech

How the Employee Lifecycle is Transformed by Technology

What are the top factors that differentiate the companies that excel in employee experience? George LaRocque is the Founder and Principal Analyst of Work Tech. His decades of experience as a leader in HR combined with his passion and deep understanding of technology, make him a unique and prominent voice in the digital transformation space. Let’s find out what all enterprise leaders need to know about HR in the post-COVID era.

July 25, 2021 / 38:29

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Episode 10
Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist BombBomb

How to Make Technology Human Again

Ethan Beute is the author of Rehumanize Your Business. He believes that by bringing a little bit of humanity back into our digital communication, we will see big results. Where will digital adoption take business next?

July 15, 2021 / 33:26

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Episode 9
Peter High, Host of the Technovation Podcast Metis Strategy

How to Attain Sustainable Business Transformation

Peter High is the author of several books, including Getting to Nimble: How to Transform Your Company into a Digital Leader. He is a highly sought after speaker, a Forbes columnist, and a consultant for some of the top CIOs in the world today. He dives into the top business techniques for innovative leaders today.

July 8, 2021 / 24:18

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Episode 8
Steffaney Zohrabyan, Leader of Digital Adoption Sprinklr

The Secret to Sales Technology Success

Steffaney Zohrabyan is the Leader of Digital Adoption at Sprinklr, and former head of Sales Technology Enablement at T-Mobile. She shares her unique experience in sales technology and digital adoption tactics. Here’s how to roll out software successfully, at scale, every single time.

June 30, 2021 / 36:05

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Episode 7
Tobias Washington, Head of Learning Experience Design and Digital Adoption CHRISTUS Health

How User Engagement Transformed a Workforce

Tobias Washington is the Head of Learning Experience Design and Digital Adoption at CHRISTUS Health. Christus Health is a massive not-for-profit healthcare organization with over 600 facilities. Tobias talks about how his over 60,000 healthcare professionals use their technology effectively and how he saves his organization over a million dollars each year.

June 21, 2021 / 31:43

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Episode 6
Andrew Casey, CFO WalkMe

How to Align Goals and Execute Them

Andrew Casey, WalkMe’s CFO, onboarded last March and hit the ground running. His extensive accounting experience combined with a passion for business transformation makes him a decisive, strategic, and goal-oriented leader. Andrew explains the digital shift taking place across businesses today and tactical ways to implement desired outcomes.

March 9, 2021 / 28:33

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Episode 5
Joe Atkinson, CTO PwC

Why Being an Optimist Pays Off

Always seeing the opportunities, CTO Joe Atkinson and his team at PwC have faced the pandemic with nothing less than fierce optimism and an unconditional passion for digital transformation. Joe shares how he is purpose-led and values-driven, and how that has catapulted PwC to the top of their industry.

February 18, 2021 / 29:43

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Episode 4
Nilanjan Adhya, CDO IBM

The Endless Potential of Digital Experience

Nilanjan Adhya always wanted to be an astronaut. Instead, he is the visionary leader that drives IBM’s multiple products, forging the human experience, with the digital one. Neel is a hard-worker and has a deep respect for both his employees and customers. Learn how human behavior and expectations changed through COVID and how customer experience has evolved.

February 9, 2021 / 34:35

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Episode 3
Kristina Johnson, CPO Okta

The Rise of the Remote Workforce

Kristina Johnson’s priority is making sure that the Okta workforce is equipped with not only the best-in-class technology, but also with supportive and motivational work culture. Learn how Okta was ready to go remote before we knew about COVID, and how Kristina and the Okta team prioritize organizational health while working from home.

January 1, 2021 / 22:05 min

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Episode 2
Matthew Higham, CDO Microsoft

Where Technology and Sustainability Meet

Matthew Higham has found a sweet spot in technology - helping humanity and the earth along with business success. As the Chief Digital Officer and Sustainability Lead for Microsoft in the UK, his passion is empowering customers to thrive while leaving the smallest carbon footprint possible. Listen to Matthew’s unique and inspirational perspective on the ethical responsibility of digital executives.

January 1, 2021 / 22:05 min

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Episode 1
Harry Moseley, CIO Zoom Video Communications

How Zoom Saved Human Interaction Through COVID

Harry Moseley shares the experience of coming out of retirement to lead Zoom’s IT just before the outbreak of the global pandemic. When human interaction was forced to go digital overnight, Zoom was there to bring us together. Listen to Harry’s candid view into Zoom’s culture, his vision, and plans for the future.

January 1, 2021 / 29:09 min

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