How do Digital Adoption Solutions work?
There are various products that offer solutions for specific adoption challenges. In order to realize a full DAS, however, these are the features that are absolutely essential:
WalkMe Insights allow enterprises to understand how to drive transformational change, where users struggle, which software features or platforms altogether are underutilized and where inefficiencies exist.
Guidance simplifies any online process by providing step-by-step in-application instructions. WalkMe’s guidance feature is called Walk-Thrus. Users can immediately adopt complex processes without any training by just following a series of interactive tip balloons.
It’s essential for the DAS to use AI and contextual awareness to engage users at just the right time and place. Instead of a user searching for help, WalkMe’s DAP proactively displays content to users based on their location, time, system, predicted behavior, and even based on their interaction with the software.
In order to simplify the user experience and boost productivity, a DAS should eliminate empty clicks and automate tedious and complex tasks. WalkMe’s Automation operates on top of any enterprise solution for both the front-end employee, as well as the back-office. It reduces user frustration and results in immediate productivity gains across organizations.