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Driving Business Value Through UX

Driving Business Value Through UX

By WalkMe Team

Constellation Research found that 77% of CIOs classify digital transformation as their number one budget concern for 2021. The key behind this insight is that software is no longer solely an IT focus—digital transformation impacts all departments. It ranges from HR’s empowerment of remote and on-site employees from day one, to driving capability and confidence throughout the sales cycle, to maximizing your product’s offering with self-service enablement.

The possibilities are endless, and WalkMe has devised a business playbook, “Driving Business Value Through User Experiences,” to show you how your entire company can leverage user experience (UX) to create exponential value.

Stepping up and coming together

Taking on the challenge of digital transformation should be a unifying project for your organization. Going on such a revolutionary journey gives your company the opportunity to create seamless, personalized experiences that begin with employees, reach every single customer, and drive business value across each and every software engagement.

To determine if you’re really reaping the benefits of your tech investments, you must have the data to prove it. The best technology today offers constant and instantaneous feedback, giving you the information you need to construct the ultimate user experience. 

It was once the case that companies would be limited by their applications in terms of the user experience they could offer their employees and customers. Thanks to no-code digital adoption solutions, such as WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform, organizations can analyze user behavior in order to adjust business workflows on the fly. Placing an emphasis on understanding employee and customer journeys lays the groundwork for an agile and resilient digital culture.

In building a digital-first foundation you prime your company to create exponential value, but to do so you must ensure the adoption of your digital investments. According to Gartner, “By 2025, 70% of organizations will use digital adoption solutions across the entire technology stack to overcome still insufficient application user experiences.” In a commissioned study by Forrester Consulting, a 368% ROI was already proven for customers who utilized WalkMe.

Access the pivotal business playbook

So now, with the release of WalkMe’s playbook for business leaders, we want to offer you the knowledge we have accumulated from backing our customers on their digital transformation journeys.

In this playbook with insights from top analyst groups including Gartner Research, Forrester Consulting, Constellation Research, and UNLEASH:

  • Learn to identify the challenges and hidden benefits of your tech stack
  • Discover how IT is defining success in 2021 and for the future
  • Find out how to lead HR projects to success
  • Understand how to accelerate the sales lifecycle
  • Realize how to pull exponential value from your software and create exponential growth

To download the playbook and begin paving your path to success, click here.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.