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Discover How Top CIOs Are Guiding Their Companies through the Pandemic

Discover How Top CIOs Are Guiding Their Companies through the Pandemic

By WalkMe Team

WalkMe, in partnership with Zoom, hosted a 2-part series “CIO #TechTalks”, featuring top CIOs and how they are guiding their companies through COVID-19 disruption.

Life after lockdown: IT spending priorities now

Hosted by Mark Settle, a seven-time CIO and author, the first session, “Life After Lockdown: IT Spending Priorities Now” featured Cheryl Foulkes, VP IT Operations at Dell Technologies, and Brian Hoyt the CIO of Unity. The candid conversation centered on the impact of COVID-19 on IT spending and internal projects and strategies.

Foulkes shared how her team has had to make all major deployments virtual and what that means moving forward. Another major insight was that due to the remote nature of work, applications need to be as user-friendly as possible. Foulkes highlighted WalkMe as being a solution to assist users in their time of need wherever they may be located.

Managing productivity in a hybrid home/office world

The second panel discussion revolved around “ Managing Productivity in a Hybrid Home/Office World.” Settle was joined by Bryan Wise, Vice President, Head of IT at GitLab and Saket Srivastava, Head of Business Technology at Square. When speaking about productivity, Srivastava brought up the issue of employee burnout due to the transition to working from home. His savvy solutions included focusing on how to do more asynchronous work which includes a stronger reliance on documentation and creating processes that don’t depend on waiting on specific individuals to get to the next step. Wise accurately pointed out that employee productivity and company output need to be seen through the lens of a marathon, not a short sprint.

To watch the full session recordings, please go here.


WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.