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The DAP Tipping Point: From Category Creation to Market Leadership and Beyond

The DAP Tipping Point: From Category Creation to Market Leadership and Beyond

4 key elements that make-up WalkMe Realize according to our CEO

4 key elements that make-up WalkMe Realize according to our CEO

WalkMe Wins InfoWorld Technology of the Year 2022 as Market Reaches Critical Mass for DAP

WalkMe Wins InfoWorld Technology of the Year 2022 as Market Reaches Critical Mass for DAP

Scaling for the journey

Scaling for the journey

The Digital Employee Experience: A New ‘Must-Have’ in the Employee Hierarchy of Needs

The Digital Employee Experience: A New ‘Must-Have’ in the Employee Hierarchy of Needs


Author: Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe

11 posts by Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe

Dan Adika is the CEO and Co-Founder of WalkMe, the pioneer of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP). The DAP brings WalkMe’s vision to life: to transform the world’s online user experience into one that is effortless, efficient, and productive. Prior to co-founding WalkMe, Dan completed a 6-year service in an elite IDF Intelligence Unit.