Industry solutions

Public sector

Future-proof your organization so you can continue serving the public confidently with WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform.

Industry solutions Industry solutions
employee training

Streamline employee training.

Accelerate time-to-competency on your enterprise software, no re-training required, with personalized, in-app learning

data integrity

Ensure data integrity.

Increase data accuracy across key business processes with form validation and automation.

digital tools

Encourage self-service.

Create seamless digital experiences and enable users to self-serve on your digital tools, reducing burden on support.

Digitization of the public sector.

To continue providing the best service possible, your organization needs to develop a digital-first strategy— and quickly. Everyday folks are looking to digital tools for services; meanwhile, your employees are juggling legacy software and new tools and are falling behind on productivity. Streamline your user experiences and bring your organization into the digital age with WalkMe.

Finding a way that can scale as more and more stations move to Salesforce for donor management is critical to our success.

Becky Levy

Associate Director of Development Services WGBH logo

Use WalkMe to streamline digital transformation.

Bring customer and employee experiences into the digital age with WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform

Discover more about WalkMe for the public sector.

How world governments are accelerating digital transformation.

Governments across the globe are in the throes of accelerating their digital transformation efforts...

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What is the next normal?

As we enter into the next normal, digital transformation is no longer a process or future end goal. It is actually a need that will define how organizations will continue to survive...

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Efficiency, productivity, & efficacy

Business survival depends on a baseline level of productivity, but business growth depends on more than that.

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